Whether gathering in Pope Park for the weekly soccer game or in Elizabeth Park for High Holiday services, people were still in abundance this week in Hartford.

Yes, there are still synagogue services in Hartford, except they only happen in Elizabeth Park. For the past few years, only one of the several annual High Holiday services were held here, but this year, two Rosh Hashanah services took place in Hartford’s Elizabeth Park. There was ample room for physical distancing…and why not? As pictured in previous weeks, Hartford allows churches to meet in our public parks and outside of City Hall.

Because it’s a public park, there are also other people pictured who came for the dahlias and not the shofar.

Photo below titled: “Nobody rides the buses. They are always empty. I only ever see one person riding. Public transit is a boondoggle.”

After taking this photo, more people boarded and there were four standing riders.