Learn by wandering



Eyes open





Head out of the phone





Look around












Down alleyways





Side paths, sidewalks, side entrances




Look for less crowded cafes




Visit neighborhoods you never heard of and your friends have never talked about




Pay attention to the buildings you’ve walked by dozens of times before




Go up





Take a long walk




Go to a skate park even though you don’t skate. Walk into an art supply store even though you don’t paint.




Read the signs




Read the rocks




Eat delicious pizza without standing in line for an hour





Watch your step





Notice texture





Don’t expect to love everything you see




Have a day without time constraints




Look for Art and art





Wander through small parks




Take a road you never heard of




Then, another




Look left




Look right




Don’t overlook the side streets that seem to go nowhere




Don’t overlook places that others might find depressing




Get a little lost




It’s New Haven, not Mongolia. You won’t be lost forever.




Find different angles





Be willing to have experiences that are not pre-packaged




Notice the details




Just don’t look up in awe




Expect to encounter the odd and the ordinary.

Worth visiting, pictured or not pictured: