In a message sent today from Hartford 2000, Connecticut voters were reminded that tomorrow is the last day they can change party affiliation if they wish to vote in a party’s primary election this September:

Connecticut State statutes only allow major political parties to hold primary elections.  Also under Connecticut State Statutes, political parties set their own rules regarding primary participation.  Currently, the major parties in Connecticut, Democratic and Republican, only allow enrolled party members to vote in a primary.  Should candidates petition for a primary in either of the major parties, a primary election will be held on Tuesday, September 10, 2013.

Here’s a “nugget” for voters to keep in mind…Although a registered voter can change party affiliation at any time, party privileges do not become effective until 90 days from the date of change.  Therefore, Monday June 10, 2013, is the last day that an enrolled elector (voter) can transfer from one party to another and be eligible to vote in the municipal primary of the new party on September 10.  However, if a voter is not enrolled in any political party (an ”unaffiliated” voter) and chooses to enroll in a party, party privileges are effective immediately.  Contact the Hartford Office of Election Administration for further information at (860) 757-9830.

Unless their messages have been automatically dumped in the spam folder, we have heard nothing from any of Hartford’s Registrars of Voters on this impending deadline.