What are you looking at?

A neighborhood resident taking the initiative to water flowers and various plants at Zion Hill Cemetery. Newly planted items include peppers, lupine, and marigolds.

Cute little dog sitting on a picnic table while people golf in background

You’re looking at golfers photobombing. I was focused on the cutie sitting on the picnic table. The pup had excellent manners, which I admit I was not expecting.

Woman standing near ice cream push cart

You’re looking at one of the city’s several ice cream vendors, and a rather silly traffic jam.

People hanging out on Pratt Street

You’re looking at Pratt Street, early in the afternoon. I’ve lost track of the flag and colored light changes on this block. Look at those flowers though!

Person with blue shirt and matching blue converse shoes hanging large library book pages on a fence outside

You’re looking at someone posting giant book pages outside of the Metzner Rec Center. Who else can immediately recognize the book without even reading the words?

Person using weed whacker on lawn

You’re looking at someone with an excellent haircut doing yardwork; full of gratitude that this was not a leaf blower. Nothing wrecks a mellow weekend like the deafening noise of a leaf blower.

Person working on a roof

You are looking at someone doing work on a roof.

People walking, cat tails in foreground

You are looking at people walking near a pond loaded with cattails. It’s a good place to stand and listen to red-winged blackbirds.

People riding scooters on Pratt Street

You are looking at more fun with electric scooters. To the people hating on scooters, I suggest this: look at drivers and look at scooter riders — who is scowling and who is grinning ear-to-ear? I have yet to see a sourpuss on a scooter.

Person waiting in median; bus in background

You are looking at someone patiently waiting to clear the intersection. His outfit matches the bus driving by.

Person walking by giant heart that reads "love"

You are looking at a large heart shouting “LOVE” toward the street, while someone walks by, not seeming to notice it, doing what most people do while walking– looking at his phone.

People walking large dog in park

You are seeing people using Goodwin Park for recreation that does not involve smacking a ball around a lawn.

People walking on Lewis Street

It was as if everyone decided to wear blue this day. You are looking at two people walking down a quiet side street where I am always surprised to see other people because it’s not like there’s a bodega or coffee shop on it.

Person riding bicycle in park

By the way, we have reached the halfway point in this limited series, and I have yet to find myself struggling to find people to photograph.

People crossing street