Previously on display at Brooklyn Bridge Park, Pablo Delano‘s banner exhibit of The Museum of the Old Colony is now gracing a fence in Pope Park.

Miss Pre-Teen Puerto Rico Looking at exhibit

It’s part conceptual art installation, part history lesson. You’ll want to read the text that accompanies the images.

The installation, which opened on Saturday, is described on its website as evoking “the tragic injustices and numbing legacy of exploitation suffered by Puerto Rico and its people, who have not held claim to their own land from the arrival of Columbus in 1493 through the occupation of that supposedly benevolent benefactor, Uncle Sam. The installation suggests that a careful examination of the colonizer’s gaze might shed light on the island’s present predicaments….

If you know embarrassingly little about Puerto Rico, you’ll walk away from this exhibit having learned a few things.

Art opening

This exhibit is on view through June 19, 2021. It is on the eastern side of the pool in Pope Park. Admission is free, on account of this being in a public park. The text on the banner is in English.