Because MAGA white supremacists are set on destroying America through violence and disunity,  states closed their capitol buildings in advance of the presidential inauguration — an event that is usually nothing more than a fancy formality sealing the peaceful transfer of power, prompting nothing beyond conversation about the First Lady’s choice of ball gown.

Instead, we have this: reinforced security and disruption for regular folks.

Connecticut State Capitol with reinforced security

The Hartford Public Library and Wadsworth Atheneum have opted to shutdown on days when potential riots seemed most likely, though as of publication, there have reportedly been no specific or substantial threats made in Connecticut.

Although they have not given the reason for this, the Connecticut State Library — directly across from the Connecticut State Capitol — will not be offering phone services on January 20, 2021, which is another way of saying that their staff are not reporting to the building on that day.

The Emanuel Lutheran Church, which runs a walk-up food pantry in Frog Hollow, had to cancel:

Congregation Beth El came through, providing food delivery for those in need:

The good feelings that come from this interfaith, regional collaboration should not, however, allow us to forget for even one second why our civic, informational, cultural, and religious institutions have felt compelled to shut down in the first place.