Billings Forge Farmers' Market
Billings Forge Farmers Market
Billings Forge Farmers' Market

Billings Forge Community Works is competing against three other organizations in the Stratton Faxon Community Builder Contest for a possible grand prize of $100,000. Unlike most other grants, the process for winning this one is contingent on the number of votes the organization receives from regular folks. If this Hartford-based organization receives the grant, it will be used to launch a new culinary job training program by hiring an instructor, refreshing the curriculum, and covering the cost of supplies. July 8, 2012 is the last day to vote.

Charter Oak Cultural Center is using Indiegogo, a site like Kickstarter, for its flexible funding campaign. The money they raise will help fund COCC’s Youth Arts Institute, an after school program. Unlike Kickstarter, this site allows users to keep the money that has been donated, even if they do not meet the overall fundraising goal. Charter Oak Cultural Center’s campaign runs through July 1, 2012.

Another flexible funding campaign ending on July 1st is Scapegoat Garden’s attempt to raise $8000. This money will be used toward rent and insurance for the Garden Center for Contemporary Dance, located at 56 Arbor Street. Scapegoat Garden has been in existence since 2002.