Mental health, addiction, bullying, gay youth, hunger, and education are discussion topics for four upcoming forums at the United Methodist Church of Hartford, which is located on the corner of South Whitney and Farmington. These will begin at 11:30 and last for approximately an hour; “hearty appetizers” will be available beginning at 11. Although this seems to be geared toward United Methodist Church members, these discussions may be of interest to those living in the neighborhood.

The forums will be guided by these questions:

What is the nature of this need? Why do we have this need? How can we help meet this need short-term? How can we change conditions longer term so that this need will go away?

The first forum will be held this Sunday and is to discuss the topic of education. The panelists for this are Jim Starr, who is the Executive Director at Achieve Hartford!, and church members who volunteer in Hartford schools.

On March 27th Lucy Nolan, Executive Director of End Hunger CT, will be taking part in a discussion on hunger, along with church members who work in food programs at the United Methodist Church.

A discussion on bullying and gay youth will take place on April 3rd. The panelists for this discussion will be Mayor Segarra, Robin McHaelen of True Colors CT, and Anne Stanback, who served as Executive Director of Love Makes a Family.

The last discussion is set for April 10th. Doreen DelBianco, who is the Legislative Program Director for the State of Connecticut Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services, will be speaking about issues of mental health and addiction in the community. It’s noted that representatives from the United Methodist Church AA and NA programs have been invited to participate on the panel.

For more information, contact the United Methodist Church of Hartford.