Join me at <a href=There will be a Global Work Party on 10/10/10. What’s with all these numbers?, the sponsoring organization, gets its name from 350 parts per million, which is the highest safe amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. We’re already past that point. The organization, anticipating attitudes of helplessness, explains:

We’re like the patient that goes to the doctor and learns he’s overweight, or his cholesterol is too high. He doesn’t die immediately—but until he changes his lifestyle and gets back down to the safe zone, he’s at more risk for heart attack or stroke.

For the skeptics who are going to label this as a one-day feel-good bleeding-heart event, well, it might just be. For some, this could be the one “green” thing that they do all year. For some, this is going to be just one more way that they live an environmentally friendly life. For most, I’d bet that this is the second or third environmental action they have participated in during the year. Maybe these people have already converted all their light bulbs to CFLs, recycled everything that they can, shunned bottled water, and rely on reusable bags when grocery shopping…but they have not quite given up their cars or taken out a loan in order to install solar panels. Some might even not care about whether or not climate change is real. That’s fine. At least in Hartford, you are welcome to participate in the day’s activities no matter how skeptical you are of science. If you hate the environment and just want to remove garbage from the bike lane so you don’t keep getting flats, that’s cool. By helping, be aware that you will be making local bike lanes more appealing for cyclists, tempting many to leave their cars parked in the garage more often.

Here in Hartford, the event will be split into three parts. From noon until 1 pm there will be a free bicycle maintenance and winterization workshop. This will be appropriate for beginning and experienced cyclists, and will be held in Hartford City Hall. After the workshop, volunteers will depart to clean up bike lanes in the city. Because this is an environmental event, we ask that you ride your bike rather than drive. This will be a gentle bike ride so that people of all fitness levels and cycling experience are included. It’s understood that by getting on the bicycle you are engaging in a risk, just as one engages in risk every time she steps out the front door. Ride safely and responsibly.

Please bring your own work gloves, and if possible, rakes or brooms. Debris and leaves will be removed from the location via cargo bike, so rest assured, there will be no garbage bags abandoned on the side of the road. After a few hours, we will then head to Red Rock Tavern/Kenney’s for the party segment of the 350 Work Party (bring some cash if you want to purchase refreshments from a restaurant). Everything should wrap up around 4pm. Youth accompanied by parents/guardians are welcome to participate.

Is there a bike lane in Hartford that is in special need of love and attention? Let us know!

Updates will be provided as venues are determined.

Updated on 10/5/10 to announce venue locations

Disclaimer: I am the main organizer for this event (the Hartford one), but the only thing I receive from it is a peaceful feeling for knowing that people care enough to donate a few hours to clean up the city.