

  • Hartford side was all about food, music, and selling cheap plastic trinkets.
  • East Hartford side was all about selling the military and char-broil (plus other name brand items, like chicken and pineapple. super pathetic)
  • Soft serve icecream costs $3.00
  • It’s mandatory that I end up in the vicinity of idiots during public events. When the fireworks were going off, a couple guys near me were making thinly veiled homophobic comments about Elton John and George Michael (whose songs were playing during the fireworks).


  • But I also end up next to cool people, like the two high school girls who were talking about outfits they were going to wear to some party. One of them is going to wear a hot pink tutu over lime green leggings. That goes above and beyond anything I’ve ever worn.
  • I overheard people comment on how the over-staffing of police was a total waste of resources. Amen! There were at least a dozen bike police, some on foot, and one on a motorcycle, plus the ones out in the streets directing traffic. For the first few hours of the event, this wasn’t really necessary. Having staff to clean the portapotties, however, would have been a good use of resources. It only took two hours for them to be filthy and without toilet paper.


  • The fireworks were pretty decent, considering it was cloudy and hazy.