On Halloween I did a test run of my costume for Underween. The result: something that was so disturbing that when trick-or-treaters came knocking, I refused to answer the door because I thought I might scare the crap out of a little kid. Trying on the role of a celebutante (famous for being famous) requires a lot of makeup, little clothing, and heels that don’t fit quite right. It’s not that I don’t ever wear makeup. I do, when I’ve got time to fuss with it. I just don’t cover all of my pores with it.

Tomorrow evening at 7:30 I’ll be taking this performance for a spin at Underween. This event is open to the public and is free. There’s a costume contest and murder mystery. Hartford IMC is launching the second issue of the new format Undercurrent.  The Fall 2007 issue’s theme is race. Since this is happening at Real Art Ways, I expect everyone knows where to g. Parking is free and very available.