close-up of barrel covered in glassWhile West Hartford has an encore edition of ceramic cows on parade, Hartford has its repeat theme of oil drum art. The first Oil Drum Art exhibit at Art Space was not, as a whole, overtly political, but this one was, with only a few exceptions. To me, art that is not making some kind of political statement or observation is basically worthless.

barrel up against wallThe Oil Drum Art Aesthetic & Environmental exhibition will have a closing reception on September 30 from 12-3 pm. Artists in this exhibit: Lianne Audette, Dean Caple, Kelsey Castrotivanni, Natasha Cohen, Lorna Cyr, George Cyr, Joe DeMarco, Jesse Good, Tao LaBossiere, Jack Lardis, Preston Link, Kenneth Lundquist, Jr., Lady McGrady, Fethi Meghelli, Amy Mielke, Dana Moran, Leslie Murray, Jason Northrup, Coleen O’Connor, Lon Pelton, Leslie Prodis, Susan Rosano, Ann C. Rosebrooks, Gerry Saladyga, Michael Sandstrom, John Sembrakis, Sid Werthan, Fred Osorio, Erich Davis, and Peter Smith.

They say:

These new art forms will create educational opportunities and environmental statements as part of a grass roots art movement which will spread through the Internet from Connecticut to throughout the world.

Art Space is located on 555 Asylum Street, near Union Place, in Hartford.