Winter did not stop the winter-dependent fun on Saturday morning.

Hartford’s Elizabeth Park hosted nearly forty sleds in the competition, with trophies and t-shirts awarded to those whose sleds, props, or performances made an impression.


One of the winners was Valerie Carrier. Competing as “Elizabeth Pond,” her bonnet — a disguised helmet — was what got the judges’ attention.




Before the derby started we got to see how many people it takes to strap a camera to a shark’s head. If the shark who was riding in the bigger shark looks familiar, it might be because he (John Hall) made a similar appearance in the 2015 Hooker Day Parade.



The sled that got the most distance was Nigel Pepin’s converted Pedicar.




Tony Cherolis’ entry was Yard Goats’ themed. The train sled ran backwards.






As always, the crashes were part of the spectacle.



Kicking the tires is a good way to see if a sled is slope-worthy.





Mayor Bronin stopped by to say a few words.





Spectators were frequently reminded to keep off the path and pay attention. A pole at the bottom of the hill was protected by bales.







After Johnny Frechette rode his sled, he revealed it to be carrying a trampoline.






As they’ve done every year, the Hartford Hot Several provided music before and after the competition.


The Art Sled Derby is always scheduled for a Saturday in February.