After a several year hiatus, the African-American Parade of Connecticut returned on Saturday. The mood was upbeat, with most participants and viewers keeping positive. The small exception was some negative chanting heard from one of the political campaigns, which seemed entirely out of place for the tone of the parade.

The staging area was only one block, from Walnut to Albany on Edwards. Vehicles were parked on the parade route, but police did pause motor vehicle traffic while the action was happening.

The parade went from the corner of Edwards and Albany, up the avenue, turning down Woodland, and ending in Keney Park, where Family Day activities were taking place all weekend.

Among those participating: Weaver High cheerleaders, religious organizations, a ski club, a motorcycle club, Friends of Keney Park, NAACP, those marking the 20th anniversary of the Million Man March, and a variety of campaigning politicians.

The start of the parade at Edwards and Albany