45 Evergreen Avenue. City-owned lot

Forget the free movies in the parks.

Here’s an idea. Feel free to run with it.

Community members spend a few hours cleaning up any of the many abandoned/neglected lots. The City can provide some tools, bags, and gloves for this. Properties owned by the City of Hartford would be the easiest to navigate, but those that have long been neglected by other owners could be worked into this to, just so long as that owner is later billed for services rendered, much like LSNI was/is doing.

Following the removal of litter, Christmas trees, animal carcasses, and what have you, volunteers could be provided with refreshments purchased with money that would have otherwise been spent paying people to clean the property. Then, MECA can come in and set up one of the free films, bringing life and something positive to an otherwise overgrown heap of debris, while at the same time, helping residents develop a sense of ownership over where they live.

142 Park Terrace

This will be more challenging in some neighborhoods than others. For instance, the relatively maintained City-owned lot at 45 Evergreen has a pet waste bag dispenser installed. Last year, West End Civic Association sponsored a free film on the site. Although it became vacant in 2010 after a fire destroyed the apartment building previously on site, the building was quickly demolished and site cleared.

Compare that to lots in other neighborhoods, like 142 Park Terrace in Frog Hollow. The building, which had burned, was demolished in 2010. Aside from removing debris from that structure, no improvements have been made to the lot since. The space is used as a parking lot. The sidewalk torn up, years now, has never been repaired.

There are many other parcels like this, or in worse shape, throughout the city. With LSNI — the underfunded, understaffed attempt by the City of Hartford to deal with blighted properties — “postponing” another quarterly meeting until the next quarter and showing no signs of regaining its lost momentum, its time for creative alternatives to be considered. And it can’t always fall entirely on KNOX.

What better than for those trying to attract visitors to Hartford to say this is not a one-way relationship, that to get something, maybe give something first.