A press release from the Hartford Public Schools today says :

Superintendent Christina M. Kishimoto and Matthew K. Poland, Chairman of the Hartford Board of Education, stand with Connecticut Education Commissioner Stefan Pryor in our commitment to valid and accurate student assessments. We take the concerns of testing irregularities very seriously. The Superintendent and Board Chair have requested and are totally committed to a full and swift investigation and to holding any responsible individual(s) accountable if there has been interference with student assessments at Betances Elementary School, as accurate assessments are critical components of sound instructional curriculum.

In school year 2011-2012, Betances Elementary was one of the Hartford Public Schools in which Overall School Index (OSI) bonuses had been rewarded to staff and administrators. At this school, the Principal received a $10,000 bonus. A number of teachers received bonuses of $2500, and support staff received $1250 or less, based on position.

OSI is based on CMT/CAPT performance results.

Data on bonuses for 2012-2013 has not yet been made available.