The Gregory Brothers, creators of the Auto-Tune the News series, will be at Wilde Auditorium on the University of Hartford campus on March 13th as part of the Humanities Center Lecture Series on Creativity.

Eight other scheduled lectures will also begin at 7:30 on Tuesday evenings from February through April.

The Guerilla Girls will make an appearance at Auerbach Auditorium on March 27th. They have been fighting against discrimination in the realm of politics and the arts. They wear gorilla masks so that their individual identities do not distract from the message.

The series begins on Valentine’s Day with a collaboration between Gene Gort of the Hartford Art School, Ken Steen of the Hartt School, and the audience. This “lecture” will be held in Dana 201/Mali 2. In the same room on the following week, Beth Richards of the College of Arts & Sciences (Department of Rhetoric and Writing) will be exploring “that grey area between truth and lie” in creative nonfiction.

Jonathan S. Feinstein will lecture on creativity in business on February 28th in Dana 201/Mali 2. Author Jim Shepard will speak about the short writing form in Wilde Auditorium on March 6th.

On April 3rd, Adam Goodworth from the College of Education, Nursing and Health Professions will be speaking about scientific innovation in Dana 201/Mali 2. Natacha Poggio of the Hartford Art School will lecture on design thinking in the same space one week later.

Marcia Moen of the College of Arts & Sciences (Department of Philosophy) will wrap up the series with a talk on creativity and philosophy. Moen will be speaking in Dana 201/Mali 2 on April 24, 2012.

All of these lectures are free and open to the public. They are scheduled to end at 9 p.m. For more information, call 860.768.4315.