A bit of good news that should not be overlooked is that 78 firearms were voluntarily handed over. The Hartford Police Department reports:

Hartford – On December 5, 2009 the Hartford Police Department in conjunction with Hartford Hospital, Saint Francis Hospital, Connecticut Children’s Medical Center and the Community Renewal team conducted a
Gun Buy Back Program” at 555 Windsor Street. The Gun Buyback Program allowed citizens to turn in unwanted firearms for a gift card. Citizens received a $25.00 gift card for a shotgun or a rifle, $50.00 for a revolver, and $75.00 for a semi-automatic handgun.

As a result of the program, 78 firearms and numerous rounds of ammunition and gun magazines were safely relinquished to the Hartford Police Department. All firearms and ammunition were brought to the Hartford Police Department. All recovered firearms will be destroyed unless forensic testing confirms they have been used in the commission of a crime.

Giving people a non-threatening way to make the right choice has positive results.