Here’s your choice for Sunday reading:

Jude has written about and posted photos of changes along New Britain Avenue. Sad-looking areas have gotten makeovers and new businesses are popping up.


You can read the Courant‘s breaking news that people are masturbating in the Hartford Public Library. Seriously, folks, are we going to pretend that this is news? People engage in “lewd behavior” in libraries. It’s even been documented in pop culture. It might not be pleasant to think of this happening, but trust me, it’s not a problem unique to Hartford. When I was growing up, I witnessed teenagers smoking pot behind the library; people would sneak off to do things in the back aisles where fewer patrons went. That was in a small, mostly wealthy, suburban town– years ago! I’d be more interested in knowing how many more residents have gotten library cards since the HPL’s re-opening.